four (realistic) goals for 2017

hey everyone and happy Tuesday… and more importantly, happy 2017! I shared in my last post that I don’t like making resolutions and instead would rather have a ‘statement’ to remember throughout the year (this year it’s live with purpose!) but I still am very goal-oriented! I think goals can be extremely helpful in motivating us as long as those goals are actually realistic, so today I’m sharing four of my goals that anyone could accomplish. I’m also going to share something that I thought you might like! At Mass on New Year’s Eve, the priest gave a homily and he said a sentence that I’m trying to keep in mind with my goals: our New Year’s resolutions and goals should be about how we can love people better. With that in mind, after each goal I’m going to share how this goal will help me (and you!) love others well. 

1. work out at least twice a week. to a lot of people, working out twice a week is a no-brainer because they work out everyday, but I am not that person, so this goal is totally doable and a great addition to my normal schedule. I’m lucky to go to a school with an amazing Rec center and over the last semester I got into the habit of going after class once or twice a week, so into 2017 I want to keep that up. when I work out, I feel more productive, positive, and all around happier, so I am able to really love the people around me and treat them with kindness. 

2. cut back on drinking soda. this is by far one of my worst habits but I am obsessed with Coke. I know that it isn’t good for me, but it’s still one of my strongest cravings, so throughout the new year I want to really cut back. In my junior year of high school I decided to only drink soda on Sundays and while I definitely missed it, having that rule made me appreciate it even more, so I think that’s what I’ll try this new year! focusing on my health is a way for me to show that I love myself, as well as my family and friends.

3. change my complaints into positive statements. another habit I want to break is being negative. (I mean hello, look at my blog name!) one way I want to do this is by changing negative statements into positive ones. [i.e. I’m so stressed about school becomes I’m overwhelmed because of the amount of work I have, but I’m lucky to be receiving this education.] This sounds so simple but I know it will be hard to reassign my mindset into a more positive one; however, I think in the end it will make a hugely positive change in how I see the world. changing my mindset would overall make me more positive and in turn help me love everyone around me: family, friends, strangers. 

4. read at least twelve books. honestly, this number seems so small, especially to me (sophomore year of high school I read eighty books in one year!) but finding the time to read novels just hasn’t been on my to-do list. this year I want to change that because I really do love reading and the way reading opens up my mind, but I also don’t want to waste time reading books that aren’t enjoyable to me. to live with purpose, I want to spend my time reading books that I find meaningful, so that’s why it’s such a small number! reading opens my mind to be more understanding of people and situations I’ve never known, which allows me to love people I otherwise may have judged. 

Having (realistic) goals is such a wonderful thing that I think can truly motivate us, but I also think we need to look at the root of our goals. Are we planning on working out because of vanity or jealousy, or because we want to be healthier? I know I’ve fallen into the trap of having the wrong motivation before, so by restructuring the reasons we have goals and the ways they will help us love I think we can better understand their importance and actually push to achieve them. 

What are your goals for 2017? Let me know, and as always, thanks for stopping by! 

xoxo, Cecilia

p.s. I took these pictures at the beach, and first of all, wow, was it cold! but secondly, it was refreshing to be at the beach with such a laid back pace and it really allowed me to think through these goals. One tip I have for you when thinking about your goals is to slow down and understand why you want to do this, and if it’s something that will make you a happier, healthier, more loving person. Of course, if you can go to the beach, that’ll help too! 

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