4 Ways to Show Gratitude

A little fun fact about me is that I carry around thank you cards… pretty much all of the time. I just love knowing that if the occasion comes, I can easily say thank you (or write a birthday card, or Christmas card!) Of course, it’s easy (and fast) to send a text thanking someone. But, sometimes, I think it’s nice to give a person a reminder that you’re thinking of them. So, today I’m going to share 4 easy ways to show gratitude! These are all simple but I think they go a long way in both showing someone appreciation AND allowing you to reflect on those beautiful moments in your life.

Last year for Valentine’s Day I shared a post with little ways to show love – these are still some of my go-to ways to show love & gratitude! 

1. Write a thank you card.

Again, this is where my slight (major?) obsession with cards comes in handy. I always carry around fun cards so no matter what I can write someone a note! A friend’s stressed about an exam? Write them an encouraging note! You want to thank that barista who always makes your drink with a smile? Write them a thank you! You’re invited to a birthday dinner with no time to buy a present? A sweet birthday card will go a long way.

I think the reason these notes make such a lasting impression is because they are truly unexpected. It’s so easy to send someone a text (and still very appreciated!) but having a card is a permanent reminder of that gratitude.

 2. Lighten someone’s load.

This can work in tons of ways for different people. If your roommate has been especially worried about an exam, going above and beyond your usual chores is a great way to show your appreciation for them. Another practical way to go about this is to offer to help someone on a project whether it’s for work or school. Even if there’s nothing you can do, they’ll appreciate the offer!

3. Send a random text of appreciation.

I’m always gonna be team thank you card, but I LOVE how easy it is to make someone’s day with a random text! If you know someone’s been stressed recently, if you’ve found yourself especially grateful for them, or if they randomly come to mind, take it as an opportunity to let them know. I think because these texts come out of nowhere, they can make a lasting impact.

4. Turn your hobby into a gift.

I asked a few of my friends for their ideas of ways to show gratitude and one of them (hey Kristen!) immediately suggested baking cookies. This is such a great idea because it turns doing something you love, whether it be baking or creating art, or anything else, into a way to show love to someone else. Besides, who doesn’t like getting cookies?

I am truly lucky for so many reasons, and I love taking time to think about the many things in my life that make it amazing. But more than that, I like to thank the people who are part of it!

These are my go-to ways to show gratitude – do you have a favorite way to thank someone?! I’d love to know in the comments!

xoxo, Cecilia

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