3 Reasons to Add Yellow to Your Wardrobe

It’s no surprise I’m an outfit repeater. But – even more than that, I’m a color repeater! If you look into my closet, you’ll see the colors I love over and over again. I’ve always loved olive green and light blue, but more recently I’ve been adding yellow as often as I can. My mom’s favorite color is yellow, and it’s quickly becoming one of my favorites too! Yellow makes me incredibly happy, so today I’m sharing three reasons to add yellow to YOUR wardrobe!

Three Reasons to Add Yellow to Your Wardrobe

1. Wearing bright, happy colors can boost your mood.

I don’t know about you, but something about wearing happy colors makes me feel that much happier and more confident. I’ve talked before about those clothes that somehow match your mood, no matter what your mood is. If I’m feeling down and in need of a boost, or if I’m feeling happy and want to show it, yellow is one of my go-to colors.

2. Yellow is flattering… when you choose the right shade.

I am super super pale… so yellow may not be a color I’m “supposed” to wear. I’ve found that wearing deep mustard yellow is actually more flattering than I would have expected. Beyond that, I personally find so much confidence in knowing the fashion rules and choosing to break them! I’m a big believer in wearing what makes you happy, because at the end of the day, our clothes should make us happy. If you love canary yellow and it looks horrible on your skin tone… I say wear it anyway!

3. You can incorporate yellow in tons of ways.

So, maybe you’re more of a neutrals gal by heart. Maybe you know you look good in light colors, and you aren’t really looking for a wardrobe revamp. Don’t worry, because there are SO many cute, easy ways to add yellow to your wardrobe! I love my bright yellow tops, but if you’ve been looking to get in on the headscarf trend, this may be your chance to add yellow. Instead of going with a top that’s solid yellow, look for patterned tops that have yellow in them as a way to slowly feature it.

I’d love to know – what’s your favorite color for boosting your mood and looking flattering all at the same time?! I love that something as simple as our clothing can reflect our moods, and I always love to know what colors other people feel confident and happy in!

xoxo, Cecilia

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    1. Thanks so much Sahra! It’s so fun to branch out and add different colors to our wardrobes – even though it’s way easier to stick with our basic neutrals haha!