My Go-To Business Casual Outfit

Interviews. Presentations. Work days. College life is filled with so many of these, and they are stressful enough without having to wonder what to wear! One way I take the stress out of preparing for different meetings is by sticking with a go-to business casual outfit. No joke, I’ve worn this exact outfit (or a slight variation) probably five times in the past two months for each interview and meeting I’ve had.

It all starts with a good pair of black pants. I picked my pair up over spring break because they were on sale. Within a week of owning them, I wore them twice! Obviously, depending on your definition of business casual, these pants may be too casual. So far, I’ve always felt comfortable and never underdressed. These pants may honestly be jegging material because they are SO comfy and they fit well. A good pair of black pants will always come in handy, and they’re a great way to build your business-casual wardrobe.

While I’ve been shopping for business casual shirts, I’ve also wanted to choose options that I could wear outside of an office. For this, A New Day by Target is my favorite! I picked up this light blue collared top (for only $20!) and have gotten so much wear out of it. It’s light and cute enough to pair with fabric shorts for a weekend look. But it’s also perfect for meetings and business casual workplaces!

Now that we’ve talked all about business casual and internships, let’s talk about something a little more fun: weekend plans! On Friday (tomorrow!) I turn 21 and I am so excited to celebrate. I have lunch plans at the Cheesecake Factory with my mom and a best friend, and you know I’m gonna eat way too much of that brown bread. So delicious. Then that night, a bunch of my friends and I are going out to eat! I’m already planning on writing a new blog post that rounds up my 21st birthday weekend in Birmingham. I am SO excited!

Do you have anything fun planned for the weekend? I’d love to know!

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  1. Business casual outfits are always the most confusing to style for me. 😅 But I agree, a nice pair of black pants are definitely a must-have. I have a pair that I’ve worn for both networking events and everyday use, and they go with just about everything!

    Charlotte |