5 Sunday Habits to Kickstart Your Week

Unpopular opinion: Sundays are my favorite days. Obviously I love Saturdays (because who doesn’t?!) but Sundays just combine all of my favorite things. For me, an average Sunday involves Church then most likely an hour or two (or more…) at a coffee shop working on homework and blog posts. I love feeling productive, and Sundays are my most productive days! Today I’m sharing 5 Sunday habits sure to kickstart your week.

1. Spend 20 minutes cleaning your room & getting organized.

Okay, for some people this is probably the bare minimum every day… But for messy people like me (biiig problem of mine!), just dedicating 20 minutes can really help. Pick up your dirty laundry, throw away old cups, and organize your desk.

Nothing feels better than sitting on a (freshly made) bed and looking around at a completely clean room. I find that I’m so much more focused on what I need to do, and my work is done more efficiently. I write blog posts more easily and I start homework before the last minute… Anything that can help me not procrastinate is a good thing in my book!

2. Plan out your week.

No matter what planning method you use – bullet journals, online calendars, agendas – Sundays are the perfect day to look at your schedule and plan out your week. Make sure you know what commitments you have so you can plan your days (and naps!) accordingly.

Adorable Notebooks & Agendas

3. Take time for a relaxing activity you love.

Sundays are almost synonymous with self-care at this point… and for good reason! The best Sunday nights are when you’re done with homework or any projects you have for the week, and you have time to relax. Some of my favorite things to do to relax are putting on a face mask, painting my nails, or reading a new magazine. Last year I shared my Sunday night relaxation routine, and I most definitely still love to follow this when I have time!

Favorite Face Masks

4. Catch up with a friend over coffee.

Okay, this isn’t just a Sunday habit for me… Coffee with friends is pretty much a daily occurrence. But, Sundays are a great day to catch up with friends, get some work done, and drink some coffee. For Lent this year I gave up creamer and sugar, and trust me, I was definitely glad to enjoy my coffee again!

Coffee shops are my favorite environments to be productive, and Sundays are perfect coffee shop days. If someone’s been on your mind, or you keep telling an old friend that you need to grab lunch together, take this as your opportunity!

5. Take time to reflect on the past week and look forward to the next.

I think it’s so important to reflect throughout the week, but Sundays are a great way to specifically set aside time for that. Make a list of good things that happened and reasons to be grateful, and you’ll find that you’re ready to start the coming week with optimism and excitement. If you’re worried about something coming up, offer it up to God or talk it out with a friend. I find that however I start the week is a good indicator to the kind of week I’ll have, so starting Sunday with gratitude helps.

So, do you have any Sunday habits you swear by?! I’d love to know them in the comments below!

xoxo, Cecilia

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