6 Journal Ideas

I am a notebook hoarder collector. Because I own so many notebooks, I’m always looking for new ways to fill them. Today I’ll be sharing 6 journal ideas, perfect for that notebook you’ve been wanting to use… or the perfect excuse to make a Target run!

1. Bullet journal

I LOVE my bullet journal – there are plenty of online resources that give you different ideas for layouts, but I keep mine fairly simple. I start with a monthly layout, then move into my weekly plans. My bullet journal is full of bright colors and my favorite quotes, and of course homework assignments. I also use mine as my editorial calendar for the blog. Overall, I love that a bullet journal is completely customizable. I look back at mine as a way to see what’s been going on in my life!

2. Quote journal

One of the journals I’ve been keeping for YEARS is a mini journal full of my favorite quotes. I keep screenshots of quotes I love on my phone, then write them all down in my cute little notebook that I can carry in my pencil pouch. This notebook is a unique take on a journal, because through the quotes I’ve chosen, I get a glimpse into the way I was feeling at the time or what was important to me. When I’m writing a card for someone, this notebook is the first place I go.

3. Prayer journal

I’ve talked before (a ton) about how much I recommend keeping a prayer journal. I write down my intentions, my worries, my blessings. It is such a beautiful way to look back and see the way God is working in my life without me even knowing it. By actually visually seeing that I was praying for something months before, I can see when God answers that prayer… whether it’s in a way I expected or not.

4. Gratitude journal

Obviously, you could add something you’re grateful for to any form of journal, whether that’s your bullet journal or a prayer journal. But, if you really want to go the extra mile, start a specific gratitude journal and write one thing you’re grateful in every day. It could be something that happened that day, it could be an insanely exciting event in your life, it could even be the coffee you had in the morning. Finding little and big things to be grateful for always helps me keep my perspective.

5. Favorites journal

When I read through old journals, one of my favorite things to read are the lists of my favorites. I wrote down my favorite songs, bands, movies, and more. Even now, I’m keeping a list of the movies I watch in the year with my own ratings. When you look back at the lists, you can remember what you loved to spend your time on + if you’ve forgotten it, you can rewatch/reread an old favorite!

6. Doodle journal

Instagram artists like Mari Andrews and tinymoron are SO talented and through their daily doodles, I find so much inspiration. I started my own mini doodle journal that is full of plenty of different doodles – from thoughts about my own heartbreaks to little pie charts about coffee. Maybe one day I’ll start my own doodle Instagram, but for now I like the feeling of making art solely for myself.

I hope you liked these journal ideas! If you have any fun notebook ideas, please let me know because I am always looking for new ways to fill my journal.

xoxo, Cecilia

shop my favorite journals under $25 (perfect for bullet journals)

favorite journal sets under $25 

favorite mini journals (perfect for quote journals or favorites journals)

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1 Comment

  1. I LOVE having a prayer journal, I just started doing it this summer & I love it!!
    xo, Sydney