How to Look at the Sunny Side

This might be the most “on brand” post I’ll ever write! My blog name is Sunny Side Cecilia, but what exactly does looking at the sunny side mean? To sum it up, it’s about finding the joy in our everyday choices, from what we decide to wear in the morning to how we spend our free time. Looking at the sunny side is an intentional choice. It isn’t necessarily easy, and there will always be external circumstances that change the way we see the world. But, there are a few practical ways that we can influence our outlook.

1. Place your joy in something that won’t change.

So, real talk, this is the most important lesson in finding happiness in life. My truest joy will always come from my faith and my identity as a Christian because that is one thing that won’t change. My relationship status, my GPA, my weight? Those could all change so easily, and if I put my happiness in them, the minute they left, so would my happiness. Strengthening your faith isn’t easy work, but that’s the truest way that I know to find joy.

Looking for similar posts? Check out 4 (Practical) Tips for Positivity!

2. Quit the complaint competition.

You know what I’m talking about. You tell a friend that you’re stressed out, not sleeping, and drinking way too much coffee. In response, they tell you that they’re even more stressed out. It is so easy to turn complaining into a competition. But who wins? Just like what we think influences what we say, what we say can influence what we think!

3. Surround yourself with an uplifting community.

Do you have those friends that inspire you to be the best version of yourself? When you’re around them, you want to be kinder because they’re kind. You look for happiness in hard situations because they do. Surround yourself with those friends, but more importantly – be that friend. Even if your friends aren’t positive, or if you’re in that awkward in-between phase of friendships, you can still be that friend. You’ll find that the friends you do have will match your energy and your future friends will make their way to you.

4. Practice empathy.

Practice empathy with yourself and with others! Things aren’t always going to go according to plan – sometimes that will be completely unavoidable, but sometimes other people’s mistakes and our mistakes can cause those problems. A real way to practice positivity is by extending grace to others and to ourselves. Yeah, to ourselves. Everybody makes mistakes (cue Hannah Montana) and that includes you, so start giving yourself grace now. Forgive yourself when you make a mistake or a bad choice, and learn from it. Then, move on!

Want more practical tips for happiness? Read this!

5. Make small choices that lead to joy.

This is where my blog comes into play. Clothing, coffee, books – these things may not come to your mind when you think about joy. BUT these small choices that we make every single day are chances to find joy. Choose clothing that you feel confident in. Make the time to stop by your favorite coffee shop just because. Those are the choices that make up our everyday, and our everyday is how we find joy!

xoxo, Cecilia

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  1. Hello Cecelia, I’m Aunt Mary’s sister, Norma. She told me about your blog & I’m SO excited to read your thoughts. Why??? Because you have arrived at a frame of mind that took me years to get to. Look for positive things in your life, surround yourself with like-minded people & when life throws you a “mess”, turn to your faith to help you see the blessings in all things. Thank you so much for all this & thank Mary for turning me on to it.

    1. So great to “meet” you! Thank you so much for your kind words about the blog. I appreciate it so much!!