Last Minute Holiday Party Look | Casual & Cozy

Christmas is ALMOST here, which means it’s time for that moment when you look into your closet five minutes before a party and realize you have nothing to wear. Skip the crazy traffic, jumbled try-on session, and frantic shopping this season! Instead, look at what you already have and create a last minute holiday party look – no stress necessary.

Quick note, if you’ve seen my Instagram recently, you know my hair is a liiiitle bit shorter. I took these photos the day before!

For this easy outfit, I just tucked a cozy sweater into high-waisted jeans with a fun necklace. For me, the biggest part of any last minute look is making sure I choose pieces I already own that I know are comfortable.

This look is definitely more casual – I’ve worn it to a few dirty Santas and cookie making parties. For a nicer party, I would switch out the jeans for a black skirt!

Speaking of parties, what Christmas traditions do you have to look forward to? My family goes to Christmas Eve Mass where I’ll be wearing my sweater-skirt combo – SO cute for the dozens of photos my mom will take! On Christmas Day, family comes over to our house for food and presents. I definitely dress more casual for this so I’m comfortable whether I’m stuffing my face with sugar cookies or chatting with an aunt.

What are you wearing for Christmas this year?!

xoxo, Cecilia

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