Winter to Spring Style

Alabama weather has been keeping me guessing recently! Is it winter? Is it spring? One day last week we had highs in the 70s and I was sipping my iced coffee, living my best life. The next day, I thought shorts would be the best option… until I walked outside and realized the temperature had dropped 20 degrees overnight. Obviously, I switched that out for my go-to jeans and sweater.

As we’re getting closer to warmer spring weather, I’m looking for ways to switch up my outfits while still wearing clothes I feel comfortable and cute in! These are my favorite tips for transitioning from winter to spring style.

1. Choose spring colors even if you’re wearing winter clothing.

Obviously, I’m a huge fan of spring colors! I think bright colors truly can lift your mood. If you’re somewhere in the north, spring weather probably isn’t coming anytime soon for you, and it isn’t practical (or safe) to wear spring clothing in that cold. Choosing spring colors will let you dress for the weather you want, not for the weather you have!

2. Wear a long top or bottom.

This tip is what I rely on when the weather is transitioning from winter to spring! If I wear fabric shorts, I’ll add a long-sleeve shirt or a sweater. If I’m wearing jeans, I’ll choose a short-sleeve top or a long-sleeve top that I can roll up. The most important part of this tip is checking the weather before! I’m not going to wear shorts if it’s going to be even slightly chilly because I know that I’ll get cold.

3. Bring layers.

Layers, layers, layers. Truly, the most important part of any transitional style is preparing for the worst and bringing layers! Whether it’s a light cardigan you throw over your top or a denim jacket you tie around your waist, this will keep you from freezing if the weather changes or a classroom is blasting the AC.

I may still be wearing “winter” clothes for a while, but writing this post has me so excited for spring! I feel instantly happier and more productive when the weather warms up. Then, I can fill my days with iced coffee, time doing work outside, and drives with the windows down… aka my dream life.

xoxo, Cecilia

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